Vicious Combat System
Vicious Combat System is perfect to create your own professional combat system (meter/hud/healers/damagers/traps) and weapons (melee/range) business or combat/roleplay community/world. Vicious Combat System is professionally designed, zero lag, low script memory and count.
- Meter and HUD health/energy multi-color "actual bars".
- Melee script:
additional scripts, so you can disable the internal meter script damage and create your own separate weapons that work only with the system, so when the meter has the melee script included and players attached your weapon, the internal meter damage script will be auto-disabled to allow the weapon damage only. - Range script:
additional range script for a bullet/arrow, so you can use within any throwable "collision" weapon. - Range "cast ray" weapon and ammo loader bag "examples".
- Healer (Collision/Attach):
Scripts to insert into objects to be (rezzed/attached) to heal players' health, you can set the amount of health to heal for all object you create like (food/drinks/pills/meds/poisons...etc). - Damagers (Collision/Sensor):
Scripts to insert into objects to be (rezzed) to damage players' health when they (collide with/sensed by) the object, you can set the amount of health to damage for all object you create like (spikes/ruins/traps...etc).
- Meter and Hud health points bars not just numbers.
- Melee and Range weapons "collision and cast ray" support.
- Death Lock: locks players in place when they are dead to not be able to move.
- Death Message: displays the attacker name.
- Gender Picker: gender picker pop-up menu will show to pick the gender (male/female).
- Attach/Detach Messages: displays in local when players attach/detach the meter.
- Health: health points/hit points: displays the actual/remaining percentage of hit points in numbers and bars.
- Energy: Energy Points, the system uses energy as a power and energy source. Players lose energy when pressing keys, 1 EP/Hit, if players have no energy (0) they can make no damage.
- Weapons Damage: 8 Hit Points/Hit.
- Melee Rate: 1 Hit/0.5 second.
- Range: 3 meters / Angle: PI/4.
- Health Regain: + 5 Hit Points in 10 seconds.
- Energy Regain: + 8 Energy Points in 10 seconds.
Players can choose one of two genders available (male/female), they can do choose genders when they first attach the meter or using a command that opens a drop-down menu with the available gender names, each gender has its own sounds, as an owner you can change the sound UUIDs to your own preferred sounds.
The system is unique and contains multi color "meter text display" one color for health and another for energy.
The system includes some of the useful commands to make using the system easier for players.
- /9help: displays the list of commands.
- /9heal: heals by 20% hp at cost of -20 ep "if you don't have enough energy you can't heal"
- /9reset: resets meter to 100% health points and 100% energy points.
- /9gender: changes gender.
- /9colors: displays a list of colors.
- /9color color-name: changes meter display color.
Encrypt and Decrypt functions + password for all communication messages between system parts.
Creator Checker: checks if the creator of the prim is the same creator of the script based on creator UUID this prevents any external hacking or misuse of the system.
If the creator of the prim is not the same as the UUID provided, the script will be deleted.
To use the system, wear both the meter and hud (hud is optional), you will be prompted to pick a gender (male/female).
Melee Attacks (meter to meter damage):
Approach the avatar, you need to be within 3m of the person, click/hold down your left mouse button, while tapping your movement A/S/D/W keys or arrow keys (do not let go of the mouse button while doing this).
You will need to be facing the avatar for the damage, this works both with or without mouse-look. The angle at which you can deliver damage is 45 degrees (PI/4),
if you have 0% energy points you can't make damage and the melee turns off automatically..
Range Attacks:
Ruthless supports both collision "prim shooting" and also Cast Ray with ammo bag for more bullet/arrows.
Everything is customizable including throttle, and damage, weapon example is included.
Combat Code systems come in full permissions, so you can always add/remove/change name/features/specifications/design to suit your game/community/roleplay theme and needs.
contact the creator EGO Spiritor
for further information.