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Exodus Combat System

Exodus is a full perm combat and role-play system that focuses on a player character's (Class) progression through the game. Characters start as fairly weak and untrained. When a sufficient amount of experience (XP Experience Points) is obtained, the character levels up (Levels), such an event increases the character's stats, such as maximum (Health, Stamina, Power, Defense) which increases the overall player (Strength) and usage of (Skills/Spells)

Create your own professional combat and role-play system, weapons business, create your own game! The system works for all kinds of combat fights, (PvP) 1vs.1 or multi-players (raids, wars, XP earnings, and events) melee & range weapons fights.

  • Meter and Hud.
  • PHP and Database SQL Files.



  • Skills menu displays only related player class skills/spells.
  • Skills and Spells are unique to every class and will be instantly available once the players select the class.
  • Skill/Spell usage cost is (-50 Stamina Points).
  • Skills/Spells affects the target with the loss of any of the stats (Health, Stamina, Power, Defense) with a specific amount.
  • Strike: damages target.
  • Warn: damages target.
  • Strike: damages target.
  • Smite: (ranged damage up to 20 meters) damages target.
  • Brain-Freeze: damages target.
  • Caltrap: damages target.
  • Kill-Shot: damages target.
  • Heal: Heals target.
  • Aid: revives/heals the target.
  • Self-Heal: heals self.
  • Cheap-Shot: damages target.
  • Weaken: damages target.


Levels up to 30 Level

  • Level-up = Current Level * 1000 XP, with a resetting XP counter back to zero for each level.
  • Level-up automatically adds (+10 Hit Points/Health), (+10 Stamina Points), and either (+1 Power) or (+1 Defense) based on player class (what's more important for each class).
  • Warrior (+1 Power) / Guardian (+1 Defense) / Caster (+1 Power) / Ranger (+1 Defense) / Healer (+1 Power) / Rogue (+1 Power).
XP Experience Points
  • Players earn XP camping with timer +15 XP/30 minutes tick.
  • Players earn XP by defeating other players in combat +1 XP/defeat.

  • Full permissions (copy - modify - transfer).
  • Fully commented you can easily change (name, version, specs, features...etc).
  • Professionally scripted, using the latest scripting techniques and technologies.
  • clean scripts, no lag, low memory, efficient and unique script design.
  • secure, against cheats, cheaters, and hackers.
  • precise (not delayed or random) hit damage.

  • Meter and Hud attributes, experience points, and levels display.
  • Gender Picker: gender picker pop-up menu will show to pick the gender (male/female).
  • Attach/Detach Messages: displays in local when players attach/detach the meter.
  • Dynamic combat channels for more security in combat.
  • Multi hit, death, and reset sounds.
  • Death/Attach/Detach Messages: Displays in local chat.
  • Titles support - players can create titles.
  • 140+ meter text display colors.
  • Dice Roll: d100 & d20 Dice Rolls.

  • Health: health points/hit points: displays the actual/remaining percentage of hit points in numbers and bars.

  • Stamina: energy and it goes down when you swing, jump, use skills or spells. Melee swings decrease stamina, if stamina is zero, players can make any damage until they regenerate.

  • Defense: System uses the Defense as a shield, normally the upcoming damage (from melee or spells/skills) is kinda divided between the defense and the health until the defense has 0 points then the health takes the full damage, and we can use the (C / Crouch) key to activate/deactivate the shield, while the shield is active we don't take any health damage and the defense takes its share of damage until the defense has 0 points, the health would then take the full damage.

  • Power: skill and spell damage bonus if the player that used skills/spells has a power greater than 2, (+2 Power Points) will be added to the skill/spell damage.

  • Weapons Damage: 8 Hit Points/Hit.
  • Melee Rate: 1 Hit/0.5 second.
  • Range: 3 meters / Angle: PI/4.
  • Health Regain: + 5 Hit Points in 10 seconds.
  • Stamina Regain: + 5 Stamina Points in 10 seconds.


Players can choose one of two genders available (male/female), they can do choose genders when they first attach the meter or using a command that opens a drop-down menu with the available gender names, each gender has its own sounds, as an owner you can change the sound UUIDs to your own preferred sounds.


The system contains many different meter display colors, so you can allow each of your game "teams/roles" to assign a different color value for more enhanced role play and better visibility.


The system includes some of the useful commands to make using the system easier for players.

  • /9help: displays the list of commands.
  • /9on: turns the Meter on.
  • /9off: turns meter off.
  • /9title: sets player title.
  • /9title remove: removes player title.
  • /9class: adds class name.
  • /9classremove: removes class name.
  • /9revive: resets meter.
  • /9reset: resets meter.
  • /9gender: changes gender.
  • /9colors: displays a list of colors.
  • /9color color-name: changes meter display color.

  • Encrypt and Decrypt functions + password for all communication messages between system parts.
  • Creator Checker: checks if the creator of the prim is the same creator of the script based on creator UUID this prevents any external hacking or misuse of the system.
    If the creator of the prim is not the same as the UUID provided, the script will be deleted.
  • Cannot attach multiple meters.
  • Meter script counter players/users can't add or remove scripts from the system.
  • Meter can only be attached to the chest.
  • Only creator can rez the meter.